30 May An Interview with Lane & Associate Underwriter, Jonathan Whittaker
We sat down with Lane & Associates Underwriter, Jonathan Whittaker to learn more about his journey into a career in insurance, how he maintains a good work/life balance and his insight into working with Lane & Associates.
How did you come into to a career in insurance?
“I graduated thinking I wanted to go the Law School route but always doubted it. After taking some time, I was presented a job opportunity associated with the BP oil spill disaster. I knew it would be invaluable experience and an avenue to learn something new. After that, I immediately took a job in relation with the tornadoes that hit Joplin, Missouri. Once those assignments were completed, I knew I enjoyed insurance and what it could offer as a career, but I had to find the right fit. I knew, in order to make a career of it, I wanted to be involved in Underwriting or Risk Management. Now, here I am!”
What keeps you busy when you’re not at work?
“I spend as much time as I can with my wife. We like to try and travel as much as possible before starting our family. It’s a blessing to spend time together and enjoy married life before adding more to the mix. Outside of spending time with my wife, you can find me on the golf course with a group that gets together just about every weekend. It makes for a good time and a great getaway from the everyday happenings.”
What do you enjoy most about your job?
“First, I enjoy the people I work with on a daily basis and the ability to pick their brains and discuss different risks. It’s a true team mentality here at Lane & Associates, which is imperative for any successful organization. Secondly, I enjoy the ability to reach out and work with a wide cast of agents and meet a variety of professionals in the industry. In this industry, you are only as successful as you want to be. If you put yourself out there it will pay off. There are so many personalities and different backgrounds from which folks come from. The opportunity to sit down, visit and work with those people on a daily basis is something I genuinely enjoy and will always appreciate.”
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