16 Jan Consistency
We have been writing small contractors in Louisiana for over 15 years. With our deep commitment to doing things right, we have developed strength, security and longevity. Other markets have come and gone, but we remain a sound provider of coverage for your small to medium trade contractors.
Through our online rating portal, LARS, you can quote and bind over 50 different classes of artisan contractors in minutes. Our online program allows up to 40% subcontracting. The first three additional insured, waivers and primary non-contributory additional insureds are included at policy inception.
We can also offer per project aggregates as needed. Premiums start at $350. We also offer Integrated premium financing with 15% down payments and 10 installments.
In addition to our online program we have binding authority with Am Trust, Arch, Century Insurance Group, Great Lakes, Hallmark Specialty Ins. Co., Hudson Insurance Group, Lloyds, and Nationwide.
We are also having success placing small to medium general contractors as we have very competitive markets.
For risks that do not fit into our rating portal please submit Acord applications to submissions@gotolane.com or directly to your underwriter.
We are firmly rooted, growing steadily and here to stay.